Mozambique 2006

Mozambique 2006

In 2006, Mozambique was a nation of around 19 million people located in southeastern Africa. The economy of Mozambique was largely driven by agriculture, mining and tourism. Despite this, poverty levels were still high, as much of the population relied on traditional industries for their livelihoods. Education levels were also high; around 95% of the population had access to education. Infrastructure was poor; roads were poorly maintained and connected few areas of the country. However, Mozambique still had a rich culture and vibrant music scene that kept its people connected to their heritage. According to constructmaterials, the country also had several protected areas that preserved its biodiversity and served as tourist attractions for visitors from all over the world. Its stunning beaches, lush forests and diverse wildlife made it an attractive destination for those interested in exploring its culture and environment.

Yearbook 2006

Mozambique. Investments in continued economic progress characterized Mozambique in 2006. The World Bank wrote off a debt of just over SEK 9 billion. according to the debt relief plan agreed upon by the rich G8 group at its summit in Scotland in 2005. The repayments would have cost Mozambique over SEK 900 million. until 2011, but instead the money will be spent on infrastructure, education and health care, according to the agreement.

After many years of work, all the mines have been removed from the almost 70 km long railway connecting the port city of Beira with the inland. The railway has not been able to be used for 20 years, but when traffic resumes, the authorities hope for new large incomes when natural resources in the region can begin to be extracted. In the area there are gold, copper, diamonds and coal.

China, which intensified its relations with almost all countries in Africa during the year, lent more than SEK 16 billion. to build a hydroelectric power plant on the Zambezi River. On the same river there is then the famous colonial power plant Cabora Bassa. In October, it was 85% owned by Mozambique, after the Portuguese government agreed to sell 57% of its holding for the equivalent of SEK 6.7 billion. Cabora Bassa was extremely contentious during the construction period in the 1960s, as it would supply electric power to the South African apartheid state. Most of the electricity is still sold to South Africa.

According to CountryAAH, major public holidays in Mozambique include Independence Day (June 25) and New Year (January 1). Mozambique’s most well-known criminal, called Anibalzinho, was sentenced to nearly 30 years in prison after a new trial. He was sentenced in 2003 for the murder of journalist Carlos Cardoso while he was investigating a corruption case with probable branching up in the state leadership. After serving part of his sentence, Anibalzinho managed to escape and move to Canada, where he was extradited in 2005.

Mozambique Map with Surrounding Countries

Mozambique Overview

Mozambique became independent from the Portuguese colonial rule in 1975. The people of the country are very friendly, polite and cheerful, which makes Mozambique pleasant for the country’s tourists. Mozambique has beautiful white sandy beaches, rich culture, beautiful nature and lots of animals!

Area: 801 590 km²

Population: 30,098,197 (estimate 7/2020)

Capital: Maputo

Languages: Portuguese (the official language) and other African languages

Religion: Catholics 23.8%, Muslims 17.8%, Zion Christians 17.5%, others 17.8%, no religion 23.1%

Form of government: Republic

Literature – Mozambican literature in recent years continues to show such vitality and richness as to ensure it has a certain international projection. The best known and most translated name continues to be that of Mia Couto (pseud. Of António Emílio Leite Couto, b.1955), winner of the 2013 Camões prize, original storyteller and great linguistic innovator (Jesusalém, 2009; A confissão da leoa, 2012, trad. it. The confession of the lioness, 2014).

Couto is flanked by at least two other authors who have conquered a central space in the canon of Lusophone literature: Paulina Chiziane (b.1955), the first great novelist of her country, author of stylistically original novels, linked to a profound and ironic vision of the context Mozambican and of the female condition in particular (O alegre canto da perdiz, 2008, trans. it. The cheerful song of the partridge, 2010; Por quem vibram os tambores do Além?, 2013), and Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa (pseud. of Francisco Esaú Cossa, b.1957), author of novels dedicated to a careful de-structuring of national myths and to the enhancement of the oral tradition (Choriro, 2009, Entre as memórias silenciadas, 2013).